Chairman introduction regarding the purpose of IAOPA
IAOPA policies and policy manual
rising matters:
radio communication 8.33 extension of the date of implementation state will have to apply for the extension of this regulation by the end of this year put in a full paper with reasons for not implementing 8.33khz radio stations long term low cost finance from EUROCONTROL
deadline for application for financial support is mid February mechanism will be available November
Romania will be the intermediary for funding
20% from the invoice for the radio station for airplanes and etc.
caa-treasury- EUROCONTROL. . .
requests for funding to Andrei Zincenco
Craig Spence
to come together under one umbrella and move forward with one voice
updated policy manual (need to see)
IAOPA rebranding
request branding information and materials
rebranding came in connection with with rebranding rebranding AOPA US
bulk of GA UK wish to remain EASA AL wish to remain EASA, UK CAA does not
8.33 first document 1998
strategies -Craig Spence
we should be aware of what an average pilot knows about regulation
AOPA magazine costs little money…advertising can bring some revenue to the small organizations
376 reporting system about reporting everything that went wrong
national associations are responsible for ensuring rule implementation and correct interpretation
given the issues we have, how do address them
improvements in communications
you dont start out without a plan, without basic things that have to be done
iaopa can influence easa to push on caa`s that are not good at implementing regulations
caas are audited by easa
IAOPA can recommend EASA to check specific points at the next audit, not more
michael AOPA Germany - build up a flexible structure, to flexibly react to specific problems faced at implementations of the strategies
aopa us have 200 members that react to everything. aopa management is important
marting - the problem is how to implement. policy manual. develop a policy manual according to needs of the national. harmonized european approach.
craig- thinks we need the manual, not our own. we need to unify, not to fragment. they all adopted the policy.
FCL Matters
next meeting on 6th of december in cologne
partnership and training group
third country license conversion
NCO (non commercial) and NCC (non commercial complex)
acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM)
Introductory flights - ???
eu regulation superceed national ones???
5th article of Chicago Convention for private flights !!
Airworthiness and Continuing Airworthiness requirements in the basic regulation - need to read.
IAOPA 2020 - ???
GAGA Project - Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Approach for General Aviation:
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